10:15 presentation of SÍN / Duna Studio
10:30 Márcio Kerber Canabarro CARE project presentation / Duna Studio
10:50 presentation of Nibiru – the workshops / Duna Studio
11:15 Adél Juhász’s performance / Esma Studio
11:45 brunch in the hall for the guests of dunaPart5
Márcio Kerber Canabarro CARE project presentation
CARE 1 is a plot, a pilot, an experiment which focus on how we build, influence and transform our large community through the chain of our immediate affections and our ability to care.
An archeological gathering of the human ecology with great attraction for a speculative future, regenerative social resilience and the dance floor.
presentation of Nibiru – the workshops
The legend says that Nibiru is the tenth planet of the solar system, which when crashing into Earth will end the forms of life as we know them now.
It is a creative process based on presumptions and visions and that draws conclusions about the future of mankind and the Earth. For the past two years a choreographer, a visual artist and a sound artist accompanied by a dance pedagogue and a dramaturge have been working with groups of teenage children at various locations around Europe.
The artists offer a framework, the theme and the tools to the workshop participants within which they experience the sensation of free creativity, can contribute with their own ideas and decisions heading towards something unknown together.
The workshop features a variety of movement, sound and visual creation tasks, all of them within the broad subject of the post-anthropocene age. They create landscapes and soundscapes together with the children, movement and vocal improvisation within a structured framework. The artists are curious to explore the children’s personal attitude towards the future, the everyday endings of their individual worlds, and the line that connects and also separates the individual and the world outside.
The series of workshops consists of two intensive weekends and a weekday afternoon. The result is a stage presentation with the children, that is open to the public.
Adél Juhász’s performance: László
Is an endlessly simple composition, a solo, that Adél constructed as her BA work at La Manufacture in 2019. She is creating a longer solo using László as a reference point, a base to start from.
This time you will see László in it’s original form with the addition of a musical experiment, Adél asked Márton Csernovszky (experimental electronic musician) to improvise a new music to the piece.
You will (have the chance to) witness their first encounter.
László deals with the topics of repetition, trance, physicality by executing a dervish-like spinning. The piece also opens up an imaginary world through embodying a highly performative and feminine spider-lady like creature. The whole composition is filtered with expressivity and a very personal taste.