The performance Trippin’ is a further reflection on the already presented Miracle, framed by the human body, the physical and philosophical ideas of part and whole and the existence in fixed/free systems. The creators continue to work with the means of projection and they treat it as a separate, abstract entity which sometimes expands, sometimes totally disappears, sometimes engulfs someone and sometimes creates illusions. The changing relationship between the dancers and the phenomenon brought to life by the external technical device invites the audience for a trip.
Performed by Eyassu-Vincze Barbara, Attila Horváth, Réka Rácz, Zsófia Szász, Zita Thury, Máté Váth Composer: Áron Porteleki Costumes: Eszter Nagy Visual materials: Zsombor Czeglédi, Balázs Fügedi, Norbert Tóth Producer: SÍN Arts Centre Basic concept and choreography: Réka Oberfrank
Supported by: SÍN Művészeti Központ, Műhely Alapítvány, MU Színház, Nemzeti Táncszínház, Emberi Erőforrások Minisztériuma, Nemzeti Kulturális Alap