MIND THE DANCE is a collection of essays, manuals, scores, exercises, and maps created to inspire dance teachers and artists towards integrating the practice of documenting into the practice of art making and pedagogy. MIND THE DANCE is created in the attempt to encourage (without standardising and institutionalising) the articulation of bodily knowledge in traditions other than the oral tradition––such as writing, video- and audio-recording, drawing, etc.––in the attempt to raise its visibility and recognisability. MIND THE DANCE is eager to help de-stigmatize the practice of documentation with the framework of the practice of dancing and choreography by understanding the practice of documentation as an artistic practice, instead of only an administrative one.
MIND THE DANCE can be read online at www.mindthedance.com. The chapters of MIND THE DANCE can be printed at home as single chapters; any number of chapters can be printed at any time. Printed chapters can be bound in the official MIND THE DANCE book cover (a binder), and you can combine the materials with your own notes in the book cover. This can be picked up at MIND THE DANCE partner institutions [link], or be sent out to you, also through info@idocde.net, either way to be sent free of charge for you.
Mind The Dance was created by the project REFLEX Europe.
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.