Photos by: Viktória DÁNYI
‘This is an experiment. I was curious about what the viewer thinks when they experience dance. I wanted to have space and time in which dance is created in discussion with one audience member, or a co-creator rather.’ (M.M.)
Máté invites one person into the studios – each time a different collaborator – to talk and think about dance, performance, small and big questions of the world. They take their time to connect, to come to a common understanding of what dance is, to demystify the process of dance making. It is a very open invitation. Some come with very precise ideas, others just want to see what is evolving from the encounter. Some move with Máté, others take the position of the observer. The two of them translate all what they experience together into movement. Co-creation, collaboration take a different shape each time.
In the end of the process Máté collects all the materials that were created and sums it up in an evening of a loosely woven choreography, a very open situation of talks and movement. Co-creators and anybody interested are invited back to the studio for a performative community gathering to experience together what has taken place in the process.
The call for participants:
Have you always been curious how a choreography is made but you never knew how to ask about it? Are you interested in studio work? The time has come for you to get an insight in the – seemingly mysterious – work of the choreographer. I am waiting for you at my studio to be my partner in the creation of my new solo piece.
I work with one participant for 2 hours. I work with a single person, who I can have a talk with, I can search the answers to my apparently simple questions: What is dance? And what is the stage? – where does it start, where does it end?, What is costume? What can become one? And what is music? And after all what is a performance?
And if at this point you think that you don’t know anything about such things, my answer is that yes, you do, it is exactly you who I would like to work with. Instead of colleagues – choreographers and dancers – I would like to share the spaces and ideas with people who like theatre and dance, I would like to break the traditional passive spectator – active performer relationship. I am interested in what you think, feel while you are thinking with me on the movement material.
This simple idea started this process: I no longer know why I dance, and I am curious what other people think about this.
In the end of the process, I will open the studio to all who have and haven’t participated in the process to show you what we have done.