There is a hole on my sock. I borrowed ten quid yesterday but then the long waited two thousand suddenly arrived. I’m sure I’ll not get any fresh tomorrow either, as I’ll be working from 10am to 10pm. On what? On Eclipse. There are only women in it, which kind of worried me a few days ago, but now I feel that I feel it. I mean, I see what can I do with it.
Three imagines, three icons. In one a human crowd is raving, the other one calmer, there is some anticipation in it, and in the third one those women express the collective grief of love through songs. Why love? Because everybody feels it, understands it. LOVE. What what’s left after it? It doesn’t matter, it’s just can’t wait to get to bed, all you have the energy for is to brush your teeth beforehand, while you are looking atyourself in the mirror and all what has happened or you would have wanted to happen dawns on you in the mirror. But it’s OK, you are just happy to get under your dotty blanket and shut the blinds.
A show evoking the improvised masses of the party culture. Through the reinterpretation of the stereotypical situtations created by the dancing crowd a new, fictitious, comic-like world is born. Beyond the dramas of the night life humans games are resolved and a new trans-like state is achieved, in which the ego and the instincts are shadowed.
Director/choreographer: Csaba MOLNÁR
Performed by: Viktória DÁNYI, Tamara Zsófia VADAS, Lili RAUBINEK, Júlia VAVRA, Adél JUHÁSZ, Viola LÉVAI, Emese CUHORKA and the dancers of the Budapest Contemporary Dance Academy
Lights: Kata DÉZSI
Music: Vince VARGA
Music edits by: Csaba MOLNÁR
Dramaturge: Máté DALLOS
Costumes: Marcio Kerber CANABARRO
Producer: SÍN Culture Centre
Supporters: Trafó House of Contemporary Arts, departs, Culture Programme of the European Union
Premiered in 2015, Trafó
Csaba Molnár: Eclipse trailer from SÍN Culture Centre on Vimeo.
Full length performance – if you have no password, please contact us.
Csaba Molnár studied at the Budapest Contemporary Dance Academy and then at P.A.R.T.S. He is a member of Hodworks and was the founder member of BLOOM!. He is a reappearing performer-choreographer at the Aerowaves Spring Forward festivals, His works SKIN ME and DECAMERON are touring intensively in Europe and beyond. In his work he strives for reconciling radical extremes. His main interest is to explore how different ways of expression, when juxtaposed, may transform the most private phenomena of human life into a universal and liberating theatrical experience.